Connectors / Adapters / Splitters


Optical splitters, or passive optical splitters, are components used in FTTX / PON networks for splitting the optical signal. They consist of one or two fibers at the input and N output fibers, which divide the power of the optical signal proportionally between the outputs, characterizing them as balanced splitters. Our splitters have a compact size, high reliability, wide operating wavelength range and good channel-to-channel uniformity. They are available in the following capacities (N): 1x2, 1x4, 1x8, 1x16, 1x32, 1x64, 2x2, 2x4, 2x8, 2x16, 2x32, 2x64; and in the following models and features:

  • Bare fiber type splitters: not connected;


    Connectorized splitters: connectorized only at the outputs, or at the outputs and inputs;

  • ABS box type splitters: connectorized and protected in a box for use in racks;

Category: Connectors / Adapters / Splitters

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